Round one
Hey guys and girls and all those in between, I hope everyone has become all chistmasie and is having a festive time. I'm in semi wedding mode and have been wedding bore for the vast majority. I know this because the cries of, lets think about it next year/after Christmas. and also the cries of "its next November that's ages away"
I mean the fact of the matter is they are right but never the less bit have appeared already, My pintrest is being filled every day with inspiration, and I have been making lists, oh so many lists!!
So I do have many things either semi sorted, or at least I will start to make many more lists soon, I mean after Christmas, because Jesus had to go have his birthday around this time of year!!
In the mean time, I have made a decision about the flowers. and I ask that people keep it in their minds, as it would seem I have button holes and not only a brides bouquet but a bridesmaid one, and maybe even table décor (phew!)
So I have decided to while away the cold months where I cant go and have a drink, because I'm saving all my money to buy nice things!!
Paper flowers!
Its simple:
This is the first one of maybe a billion!
My ask of the blog, (this may be a regular thing be warned!) If anyone has any paper, comics, old character sheets, print outs, hand written, things that will be amazing in my flowers.
If you do see me in person, I will happily take things off you, I'm going to stock pile!
if you want to send things to me, please comment or send me a personal message and I will give you an address to post things!
I love you all and hope this is going to be a cool way to have you all as part of my magical unicorn rainbow day!
Still quietly judging