It begins

Set the date, hire the venue, book food, flowers and a DJ and of course spend 25,000 pounds as well as think theme and colour, yadda yadda yadda, These are the suggestions that the web has kindly informed me you need to do at this time when you start to become wed. Now I have spoken to a few people and that isn't true, least wise not yet.

So hi, this is me making sense of becoming an adult and getting married. 
Myself and Reb have been together for the best part of 10 years now and we have decided enough was enough and we may as well tie the knot, at least in the none noose sense!
We are aiming for November 2018 and we shall be setting a date soon. 
This blog is mainly to inform a lot of people who want to know what we are doing, the things that we are doing and if they want to help how.

It also helps me keep track in a way that is easy for my brain to follow.

So this is the first post, I will try and keep things updated.
For now firstly thank you Nickerjac! Best idea ever!

Secondly here are some pointers I fear I'm going to have to go over a lot over the year.

1, We don't have a budget, or rather the budget at the moment is £0.00 that's not to say that we wont have a few pennies put away for the wedding, we are fully grown adult men and women and can manage to handle our stuff. But there will be an awful lot of begging, borrowing and stealing to make this show get on the road. 

2. If in the kindness of your heart you want to offer things or cash or anything like that, pm me or email me and I can get you the details of what we need, but I mean watch this space for actual things we shall need. 

3. We also need ideas for things, is my pintrest, and I have a wedding thing on there, you know what if your beady eyes spy something, show me!!

4 Theme? Well not quite, we have a vague unicorn thing going on, but mainly because I'm a sparklie unicorn princess (not exactly true, and yet..) What is most important to us is that we have all our family, and extended family (the ones we choose to hang with) as part of the festivities. You may well see me gush about my friends and how amazing they are.

5. We are going to not have a honeymoon for now I don't believe, I for one shall be going back to education for my honeymoon, so don't think that's a factor, it truly isn't, at this moment!

Me and reb love you all and hope that the day we are embarking on will be special to you guys too.

Any questions?

Watch this space for more weddingie fun and games, and maybe even my own decent into madness!
Love you all 
(And Reb who will remain quietly judging from the side-lines)


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