Back in business!!

Good morning - or afternoon depending on when you are reading this. How is everything?

Did Santa bring you what you wanted. He did for me, I got all to spend time with  my several families! between my 'rents Reb's 'rents friends, friends who are basically family and everyone in between I started 2018 in a right lovely way. But now we are back to business as normal. I have blisters on my fingers from the start of the mammoth flower task!!

Hot glue my friends is not fun, but by the grace of Nic. I have made hella progress. She was amazing and gave me many paper bits.  So as you can see I'm getting there, even though this is no where near enough! My next thing will be to try and get them into a bouquet, and also look at button holes, so the men in the party will all look great too! I'm no where near done with flowers though so if anyone has any paper they would like to donate, newspaper, drawn pictures characters sheets, old plot documents, anything that will be really cool. Then PM, email or poke me and I will give you an address to send them too.

I have been able because of Christmas also tick off some things that are teeny and some that are not so tiny. We now have Grooms men ties, the next project will be dying shoes. That sound dangerous!

We have decided on trying to be as inclusive to everyone as we can, so even if people cant be with us we are hoping that people can share the day in their own special way, so look out for Spotify lists, and Instagram tags for the day (yes I am aware we are being super hipster!) but it will be ace to have you contribute and join in . So watch this space for more details.

I have my dress, I just need to get underskirts, its red and its exciting, but the finished product will be on display with many photos I'm sure.

and finally we have secured the venue, you can get a 360 view here:,-0.0733847,2a,75y,20.73h,79.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1_QXhT_pkCHF7JQLm94G6g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

We chose richmix after a little debate, now our hearts wanted the farm and to have it close to our farm family but the logistics of getting everything done and up on a Saturday competing with a market, and also having a marquee in November and having to heat it etc seemed like more and more it was not going to work, so with a heavy heart, we looked elsewhere, but fates seemed to have conspired for richmix, as the room we got was not normally on offer. Its a lovely charity place and I think is going to be beautiful. Now we just need to work out is how to decorate the thing. 

So that is everything for now, I must away back to my flowers and burned up fingers 
Love you all 


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